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Igra (rabljena) (kinect) Zumba Fitness: Join the Party za Microsoft Xbox 360 je zelo zabavna fitnes-plesna igra, kjer ne potrebujete gamepada, saj je igra v celoti podprta s Kinect senzorjem, ki natančno spremlja vaš ples in vas pri tem ustrezno nagrajuje. Vso koreografijo, plese in težavnost bodo za vas izbrali mojstri med inštruktorji Zumbe. Ti imajo za vas pripravljene številne programe, ki bodo ustrezali vsem: od začetnikov pa do plesnih mojstrov. Pričakujte kar največ, saj se boste lahko razmigali ob ritmih številnih glasbenih hitrov, vse od latinsko-ameriških pa do zadnjih hip-hop uspešnic, sami ali v družbi prijateljic.
Zumba Fitness: Join the Party (rabljena) (kinect) ~ video predstavitev ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
Zumba Fitness: Join the Party (rabljena) (kinect) ~ angleški opis igre ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
Join the party with Zumba Fitness, a one-of-a-kind, dance fitness workout set to sexy, high-energy Latin and international music! Find your rhythm and let go as Zumba instructor fan favorites Gina Grant, Tanya Beardsley, and Zumba creator Beto guide you through 30 routines that will work you into a sweat and make you forget you're even exercising. Featuring exclusive music and choreography, Zumba Fitness for Kinect lets you see yourself on screen and naturally dance controller-free in an ultra fun interactive fitness party that's focused on the joy of movement!
Zumba Fitness: Join the Party (rabljena) (kinect) ~ video predstavitev ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
Zumba Fitness: Join the Party (rabljena) (kinect) ~ angleški opis igre ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
Join the party with Zumba Fitness, a one-of-a-kind, dance fitness workout set to sexy, high-energy Latin and international music! Find your rhythm and let go as Zumba instructor fan favorites Gina Grant, Tanya Beardsley, and Zumba creator Beto guide you through 30 routines that will work you into a sweat and make you forget you're even exercising. Featuring exclusive music and choreography, Zumba Fitness for Kinect lets you see yourself on screen and naturally dance controller-free in an ultra fun interactive fitness party that's focused on the joy of movement!
Dodatne informacije
Dodatne informacije
Naziv | Zumba Fitness: Join the Party (rabljena) (kinect) Xbox 360 |
Vrsta konzole | Microsoft Xbox 360 |
Rabljena / Nova | Rabljena |
Kinect | Obvezen za igranje! |
Zvrsti | Šport, Plesna, Fitnes |
Večigralstvo | Singleplayer, Split Screen, Online Multiplayer, Co-op |
Za starost | 3+ let |
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