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UEFA Euro 2016 / PES 2016 (rabljena) PlayStation 4

Igra (rabljena) UEFA Euro 2016 / PES 2016 za Sony PlayStation 4 (PS4) je odlična športna, nogometna poslastica! Igra vsebuje tako PES oz. Pro Evolution Soccer 2016, kot tudi dodatek, evropsko prvenstvo Euro 2016, ki ga je gostila Francija (na koncu je slavila Portugalska, v finalu pa je premagala prav gostiteljico Francijo).
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Igra (rabljena) UEFA Euro 2016 / PES 2016 za Sony PlayStation 4 (PS4) je odlična športna, nogometna poslastica! Igra vsebuje tako PES oz. Pro Evolution Soccer 2016, kot tudi dodatek, evropsko prvenstvo Euro 2016, ki ga je gostila Francija (na koncu je slavila Portugalska, v finalu pa je premagala prav gostiteljico Francijo).

UEFA Euro 2016 / PES 2016 (rabljena) ~ video predstavitev ~ Sony PlayStation 4 (PS4)

UEFA Euro 2016 / PES 2016 (rabljena) ~ angleški opis igre ~ Sony PlayStation 4 (PS4)
From its humble origins on PSOne, the PES series has leaped from format to format, adding ever more realism as it evolved. This heritage has been celebrated in PES 2016’s new tagline ‘Love The Past, Play The Future’, highlighting the series’ recent return to core PES values in last year’s PES 2015 and focusing on the many new gameplay and presentational elements that will further establish the series as the definitive football experience.

*Contains both the full PES 2016 game and UEFA EURO 2016 content
*The UEFA EURO 2016 mode features full iconography and presentation elements from this year
*24 qualified teams that feature real players with hundreds of authentic player faces
*Includes the iconic Stade de France stadium, which hosts the final
*15 fully licensed teams including England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Germany, Spain, France, Portugal, Italy, Czech Republic
*All squad playing styles replicated to mimic exact playing styles of individual players and team

Dodatne informacije

Dodatne informacije

Naziv UEFA Euro 2016 / PES 2016 (rabljena) PlayStation 4
Vrsta konzole Sony PlayStation 4 (PS4)
Rabljena / Nova Rabljena
PlayStation® Move Ne podpira
Zvrsti Šport, Nogomet
Večigralstvo Singleplayer, Split Screen, Online Multiplayer, Co-op
Za starost 3+ let

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