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Igra (rabljena) Syndicate za Microsoft Xbox 360 je futuristična, moderna prvoosebna streljačina. Zgodba se odvija daleč v prihodnosti, ko svetu vladajo korporacije, ki so za svojo prevlado pripravljene prestopiti vsako mejo. Vključite se v vlogo posebnega agenta, ki je z najnovejšo tehnologijo, ki jo nudi prihodnost, izpopolnjen za boj do potankosti - pravi univerzalni vojak. Odlična igralnost in napeta akcija je zaščitni znak te igre. Odlična zabava, če igrate sami, na voljo pa je tudi vrhunski multiplayer način igranja, ki med drugim omogoča tudi kooperativno igranje (co-op) do štirih prijateljev na enkrat!
Syndicate (rabljena) ~ video predstavitev ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
Syndicate ~ angleški opis igre ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
2069 - No longer governed by politicians, the world is divided into regions controlled by mega-corporations known as Syndicates. These Syndicates have revolutionized the way consumers interact with the digital world. Consumers no longer require a device to access the world's data and control their technology - they can achieve this with the blink of an eye after a neural chip implant. Civilians clamored to be "chip'd" and to enjoy all that their selected syndicate has to offer. Housing, medical, banking, insurance, education, entertainment, and employment. One complete package - one complete lifestyle. In return, the syndicates gained unprecedented insights, and control, over individuals and their behavior. With insufficient government oversight, business has become war. The Syndicates stop at nothing for ultimate market dominance. On the front lines of this war are the Agents, the syndicates' bio-engineered and chip-augmented enforcers. They can breach anything in the wired dataverse including their enemies, their weapons, and the environment surrounding them, making them the most efficient and deadly technological weapons in the world. Assume the role of Miles Kilo, Eurocorp's latest prototype Agent, and embark on a brutal action adventure of corruption and revenge. [Electronic Arts]
Syndicate (rabljena) ~ video predstavitev ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
Syndicate ~ angleški opis igre ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
2069 - No longer governed by politicians, the world is divided into regions controlled by mega-corporations known as Syndicates. These Syndicates have revolutionized the way consumers interact with the digital world. Consumers no longer require a device to access the world's data and control their technology - they can achieve this with the blink of an eye after a neural chip implant. Civilians clamored to be "chip'd" and to enjoy all that their selected syndicate has to offer. Housing, medical, banking, insurance, education, entertainment, and employment. One complete package - one complete lifestyle. In return, the syndicates gained unprecedented insights, and control, over individuals and their behavior. With insufficient government oversight, business has become war. The Syndicates stop at nothing for ultimate market dominance. On the front lines of this war are the Agents, the syndicates' bio-engineered and chip-augmented enforcers. They can breach anything in the wired dataverse including their enemies, their weapons, and the environment surrounding them, making them the most efficient and deadly technological weapons in the world. Assume the role of Miles Kilo, Eurocorp's latest prototype Agent, and embark on a brutal action adventure of corruption and revenge. [Electronic Arts]
Dodatne informacije
Dodatne informacije
Naziv | Syndicate (rabljena) Xbox 360 |
Vrsta konzole | Microsoft Xbox 360 |
Rabljena / Nova | Rabljena |
Kinect | Ne podpira |
Zvrsti | Akcija, Streljačina, Pustolovščina, Sci-Fi |
Večigralstvo | Singleplayer, Online Multiplayer, Co-op |
Za starost | 18+ let |
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