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Igra SBK 2011: Superbike World Championship za Microsoft Xbox 360 je odlična simulacija Svetovnega Superbike motorističnega tekmovanja in ena najboljših motorističnih iger za Xbox360. SKB 2011 prinaša izboljšano grafiko in vodljivost motorjev za še večji užitek. Vsi motorji, vsi vozniki in vse proge uradne Superbike 2011 sezone v številnih načinih igranja za zagotovljen užitek vseh motorističnih navdušencev, kakor tudi za vse navdušence nad "avto-moto sport" igrami na splošno. Za najbolj spretne je tukaj tudi multiplayer, ki omogoča živo tekmovanje do kar 16im tekmovalcem iz celega sveta.
SBK 2011 : Superbike World Championship ~ video predstavitev ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
SBK 2011 : Superbike World Championship ~ angleški opis igre ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
The latest entry in the official FIM World Superbike Championship series delivers graphical and handling improvements while retaining the same core experience of last year's SBK X: Superbike World Championship. All of the bikes, riders, and circuits from the 2011 World Superbike season are included, alongside 17 classic riders in the new Legends class. With the brand-new SBK Tour in addition to a good Career mode, SBK 2011 has plenty of content to satisfy motorcycle racing fans, as well as fans of racing games in general. SBK 2011 is a great racing game that offers a huge quantity of content sure to satisfy fans of the World Superbike Championship, as well as anyone else who enjoys racing games. Career mode has not moved on much from last year, but the introduction of the SBK Tour challenges and the thrill of seeing your favorite Legends add to the core racing experience in a highly compelling way. There is a little way to go before SBK has the production values of its four-wheeled racer rivals, but this is still one of the best motorcycle games around.
SBK 2011 : Superbike World Championship ~ video predstavitev ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
SBK 2011 : Superbike World Championship ~ angleški opis igre ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
The latest entry in the official FIM World Superbike Championship series delivers graphical and handling improvements while retaining the same core experience of last year's SBK X: Superbike World Championship. All of the bikes, riders, and circuits from the 2011 World Superbike season are included, alongside 17 classic riders in the new Legends class. With the brand-new SBK Tour in addition to a good Career mode, SBK 2011 has plenty of content to satisfy motorcycle racing fans, as well as fans of racing games in general. SBK 2011 is a great racing game that offers a huge quantity of content sure to satisfy fans of the World Superbike Championship, as well as anyone else who enjoys racing games. Career mode has not moved on much from last year, but the introduction of the SBK Tour challenges and the thrill of seeing your favorite Legends add to the core racing experience in a highly compelling way. There is a little way to go before SBK has the production values of its four-wheeled racer rivals, but this is still one of the best motorcycle games around.
Dodatne informacije
Dodatne informacije
Naziv | SBK 2011: Superbike World Championship (nova) Xbox 360 |
Vrsta konzole | Microsoft Xbox 360 |
Rabljena / Nova | Nova |
Kinect | Ne podpira |
Zvrsti | Avto-Moto šport, Motorji |
Večigralstvo | Singleplayer, Online Multiplayer |
Za starost | 3+ let |
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