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Igra (rabljena) Operation Flashpoint: Red River za Microsoft Xbox 360 je odlična moderna taktična streljačina. Poveljujete skupini ameriških marincev, ki se spusti v lov iz Afganistana v Tadžikistan, kamor so prebežali afganistanski gverilci. Niste pa tam sami, saj kmalu tudi vi postanete plen kitajske armade, ki je v Tadžikistan vstopila, da bi se maščevala afganistanskim upornikom za teroristične napade, ki so Kitajcem povzročili številne žrtve. V napeti single player zgodbi poveljujete enoti štirih marincev, ki se tekom igranja in opravljanja misij izpopolnjujejo v svojih spretnostih (snajper, miner, strojnik,...), kar poleg številnih lastnostih posemeznega tipa vojaka odpira tudi dodatna in boljša orožja in opremo. Po prvih misijah uvajanja in sledenja slabo oboroženim in malo številčnim upornikom, se igra prevesi v silovit umik, saj udarite ob številčno in odlično oboroženo kitajsko armado, ki ne dela razlik med uporaniki in vašo enoto. Igra nudi tudi odličen multiplayer način igranja, saj lahko kampanjo igrate online skupaj s še tremi prijatelji v kooperativnem načinu (co-op), kar zna biti silno zabavno.
Operation Flashpoint Red River ~ video predstavitev ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
Operation Flashpoint Red River ~ angleški opis igre ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
Taking a small step into the future, Red River depicts a fictional conflict with contemporary geopolitical themes, which will unfold over three distinct acts in both single player and drop-in-drop-out co-operative play for up to four players online. Faced with new counter-insurgency combat and the returning threat of the Chinese PLA, players will feel the tension, brutality and carnage of modern conflict from the perspective of a marine fireteam on deployment in a hostile country, thousands of miles from home.
Operation Flashpoint Red River ~ video predstavitev ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
Operation Flashpoint Red River ~ angleški opis igre ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
Taking a small step into the future, Red River depicts a fictional conflict with contemporary geopolitical themes, which will unfold over three distinct acts in both single player and drop-in-drop-out co-operative play for up to four players online. Faced with new counter-insurgency combat and the returning threat of the Chinese PLA, players will feel the tension, brutality and carnage of modern conflict from the perspective of a marine fireteam on deployment in a hostile country, thousands of miles from home.
Dodatne informacije
Dodatne informacije
Naziv | Operation Flashpoint: Red River (rabljena) Xbox 360 |
Vrsta konzole | Microsoft Xbox 360 |
Rabljena / Nova | Rabljena |
Kinect | Ne podpira |
Zvrsti | Akcija, Streljačina |
Večigralstvo | Singleplayer, System Link, Co-op |
Za starost | 15+ let |
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