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Igra (rabljena) (kinect) NBA 2K13 za Microsoft Xbox 360 je vrhunska športna poslastica, 2013 serija odlične simulacije košarke. Izboljšan način igranja, odlična karierna sezona in številne druge dobrote bodo poskrbele, da boste vzljubili to odlično simulacijo zelo popularnega športa. Vživite se lahko tudi v dream team ekipo Machaela Jordana iz 1992, in z njo (ali proti njej) odigrate tekme s trenutnimi legendami te kraljeve igre. Prisoten je tudi odličen online multiplayer način igranja, ki bo poskrbel za številne napete trenutke, ko se boste pomerili z najboljšimi igralci z vsega sveta. Igra je obvezna za vse ljubitelje Jay Z glasbe.
NBA 2K13 (rabljena) (kinect) ~ video predstavitev ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
NBA 2K13 (rabljena) (kinect) ~ angleški opis igre ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
USA Basketball – Finally answer the question: Who would win a head-to-head duel between the 1992 Dream Team and the 2012 squad? MyCAREER Mode – Build your MyPLAYER by giving him signature skills, and acquire your very own custom animations using Virtual Currency (VC). Includes all-new GM siM sit-down feature, new endorsement paths, improved in-game AI, and all-new swag including casual clothing, equipment, custom shoes and much more. NBA 2K “MyTEAM” – Collect players, uniforms, arenas and boosts to put together your own team. Track the talent marketplace that fluctuates based on real-life performance, and then take your team online to play against other players’ MyTEAMS in a new tiered matchmaking system. The Control Stick: For the first time ever, all dribble moves have been mapped to the right analog stick, as well as shooting, passing, and post moves. String together devastating crossovers and clutch shots for maximum control and effectiveness.
NBA 2K13 (rabljena) (kinect) ~ video predstavitev ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
NBA 2K13 (rabljena) (kinect) ~ angleški opis igre ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
USA Basketball – Finally answer the question: Who would win a head-to-head duel between the 1992 Dream Team and the 2012 squad? MyCAREER Mode – Build your MyPLAYER by giving him signature skills, and acquire your very own custom animations using Virtual Currency (VC). Includes all-new GM siM sit-down feature, new endorsement paths, improved in-game AI, and all-new swag including casual clothing, equipment, custom shoes and much more. NBA 2K “MyTEAM” – Collect players, uniforms, arenas and boosts to put together your own team. Track the talent marketplace that fluctuates based on real-life performance, and then take your team online to play against other players’ MyTEAMS in a new tiered matchmaking system. The Control Stick: For the first time ever, all dribble moves have been mapped to the right analog stick, as well as shooting, passing, and post moves. String together devastating crossovers and clutch shots for maximum control and effectiveness.
Dodatne informacije
Dodatne informacije
Naziv | NBA 2K13 (rabljena) (kinect) Xbox 360 |
Vrsta konzole | Microsoft Xbox 360 |
Rabljena / Nova | Rabljena |
Kinect | Podpira |
Zvrsti | Šport, Košarka |
Večigralstvo | Singleplayer, Split Screen, Online Multiplayer, Co-op |
Za starost | 3+ let |
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