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Medal of Honor: Warfighter (nova) Xbox 360

Igra (nova) Medal of Honor: Warfighter za Microsoft Xbox 360 je moderna vojaška pustolovščina in ena najbolj vročih iger v letu 2012. V vlogi pripadnikov kar 12ih elitnih vojaških enot za posebne naloge

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Igra (nova) Medal of Honor: Warfighter za Microsoft Xbox 360 je moderna vojaška pustolovščina in ena najbolj vročih iger v letu 2012. V vlogi pripadnikov kar 12ih elitnih vojaških enot za posebne naloge, kot so angleški SAS, avstralski SASR, nemški KSK, kanadski JTF2 ali poljske GROM, se podate na številne misije po vojnih žariščih današnjega časa: Somalija, Egipt, Bosna, Filipini, Irak,... Igro odlikuje odlična igralnost, napeta singleplayer zgodba, vrhunski zvočni vložki in eden najbolj izpopolnjenih grafičnih pogonov. Za ljubitelje je tukaj tudi napet multiplayer način igranja, kjer si vas bo stalo nasproti kar 20 borcev na enkrat, v številnih multiplayer načinih igranja. Vrhunska, moderna streljačina bo poskrbela za zabavo, ko boste sami ali v družbi.

Medal of Honor: Warfighter (nova) ~ video predstavitev ~ Microsoft Xbox 360

Medal of Honor: Warfighter (nova) ~ angleški opis igre ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
Medal of Honor Warfighter is inspired by and has been developed in association with Tier 1 Operators. This personal story was written by Tier 1 Operators while deployed around the world. In it, players assume the roles of these warfighters and apply unique skill sets to track down a genuine global threat, in real international locations, sponsored by real enemies. Authentic Action - From rescuing hostages in Abu Sayyaf's stronghold in Basilan, Philippines to assaulting Al-Shabaab's "Pirate Town" on the Somali Coast, gamers step into the boots of Tier 1 Operators as they hunt down the global threat of PETN. Written by U.S. Tier 1 Operators while deployed overseas, Medal of Honor Warfighter has a dotted line to real world events and provides players a view into these situations and lets them experience the action as it might have unfolded. Best in Class Engine - Leveraging the power of tomorrow's technology on today's platforms, the ground-breaking Frostbite 2 engine delivers incredible video and audio fidelity to enhance the intensity of the battle and deliver this year's most authentic war experience. National Pride Online with Global Warfighters - Allied military forces also possess their own elite Special Operations units with similar capabilities. With Medal of Honor Warfighter, gamers experience unprecedented variety featuring multinational Tier 1 Operators on a global battlefield. For the first time, the Medal of Honor brand introduces a new mode where these global warfighters go head-to-head in online competition. Showcasing 12 different Tier 1 units from 10 nations including the British SAS, Australian SASR, German KSK, Canadian JTF2 and Polish GROM, Medal of Honor Warfighter lets the best of the best warriors from around the world battle it out online. Fight Today's Global Terror Threat - As with every Medal of Honor game, the soldier's story is at the heart of the experience. Medal of Honor Warfighter tells the story of U.S. Tier 1 Operator, "Preacher" as he returns home from overseas only to find his family torn apart from years of deployment. Trying to pick up the pieces to salvage what remains of his marriage, Preacher is reminded of what he's fighting for - family. But when an extremely deadly explosive (PETN) penetrates civilian borders and his two worlds collide, Preacher and his fellow teammates are sent in to solve the problem. They take the fight to the enemy and do whatever it takes to protect their loved ones from harm.

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Dodatne informacije

Naziv Medal of Honor: Warfighter (nova) Xbox 360
Vrsta konzole Microsoft Xbox 360
Rabljena / Nova Nova
Kinect Ne podpira
Zvrsti Akcija, Streljačina
Večigralstvo Singleplayer, Online Multiplayer
Za starost 18+ let

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