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Igra (rabljena) (kinect) The Gunstringer za Microsoft Xbox 360 je zabavna risana pustolovščina na barvitemu in kriminala polnemu divjemu zahodu. Vživite se v vlogo padlega kavboja, ki se pride maščevat nepridipravom, ki so ga napolnili s svincem in še živega pokopali v hladni puščavi. Igra je izjemno zabavna in napeta akcijska pustolovščina, ki se dogaja v ročno narisanih prelepih pokrajinah divjega zahoda. Obvezna je uporaba Xbox Kinect senzorja, ki vam med drugim omogoča, da nepridiprave pokosite na interaktiven način s potegom roke sredi vaše dnevne sobe. Igro lahko igrate sami ali pa združite moči skupaj s prijateljem in pred istim zaslonom v kooperativnem načinu odigrate celotno zgodbo.
The Gunstringer (rabljena) (kinect) ~ video predstavitev ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
The Gunstringer (rabljena) (kinect) ~ angleški opis igre ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
The Gunstringer marries Twisted Pixel's beloved storytelling, characters, and polish with fresh gameplay mechanics. Players can puppeteer a character through a variety of 3D and 2D gameplay styles, controlling every jump and dodge with one hand, while filling enemies with lead using the other. The Gunstringer provides players with new Kinect shooter experiences that have never been seen before. Be the puppet master with Kinect, and move the Gunstringer through his adventures as if you were actually controlling a marionette. The Gunstringer takes standard solo platforming and shooting mechanics and evolves them for fun competitive action. With a full suite of collectables, unlockables, abilities, rewards and more, there's always a reason to play an encore performance! This game also includes a token code for the full downloadable version of "Fruit Ninja Kinect" via Xbox LIVE. "Fruit Ninja Kinect is an amazing evolution of the slice-em-up genre created by Halfbrick, which brings the worldwide mobile gaming phenomenon to Kinect, allowing you to use your arms as blades in an epic battle against the world's most delicious produce.
The Gunstringer (rabljena) (kinect) ~ video predstavitev ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
The Gunstringer (rabljena) (kinect) ~ angleški opis igre ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
The Gunstringer marries Twisted Pixel's beloved storytelling, characters, and polish with fresh gameplay mechanics. Players can puppeteer a character through a variety of 3D and 2D gameplay styles, controlling every jump and dodge with one hand, while filling enemies with lead using the other. The Gunstringer provides players with new Kinect shooter experiences that have never been seen before. Be the puppet master with Kinect, and move the Gunstringer through his adventures as if you were actually controlling a marionette. The Gunstringer takes standard solo platforming and shooting mechanics and evolves them for fun competitive action. With a full suite of collectables, unlockables, abilities, rewards and more, there's always a reason to play an encore performance! This game also includes a token code for the full downloadable version of "Fruit Ninja Kinect" via Xbox LIVE. "Fruit Ninja Kinect is an amazing evolution of the slice-em-up genre created by Halfbrick, which brings the worldwide mobile gaming phenomenon to Kinect, allowing you to use your arms as blades in an epic battle against the world's most delicious produce.
Dodatne informacije
Dodatne informacije
Naziv | The Gunstringer (rabljena) (kinect) Xbox 360 |
Vrsta konzole | Microsoft Xbox 360 |
Rabljena / Nova | Rabljena |
Kinect | Obvezen za igranje! |
Zvrsti | Akcija, Streljačina, Pustolovščina |
Večigralstvo | Singleplayer, Split Screen, Online Multiplayer, Co-op |
Za starost | 12+ let |
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