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Grand Theft Auto GTA 4 (rabljena) PlayStation 3

Igra (rabljena) Grand Theft Auto GTA 4 za Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3) je odlični četrti del v legendarni franšizi iz studija RockStar Games Grand Theft Auto.

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Igra (rabljena) Grand Theft Auto GTA 4 za Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3) je odlični četrti del v legendarni franšizi iz studija RockStar Games Grand Theft Auto. Kot Niko Belić, pravkar prispel v ZDA iz bivše Jugoslavije, se pridružite ameriškemu bratrancu Romanu in skupaj se spustita v temno podzemlje mesta Libery, v iskanju ameriških sanj: denarja in slave... Odlična dogodivščina vas čaka na vsakem koraku in samo od vas je odvisno, katero pot si boste izbrali.

Grand Theft Auto GTA 4 (rabljena) ~ video predstavitev ~ Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3)

Grand Theft Auto GTA 4 (rabljena) ~ angleški opis igre ~ Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3)
[Metacritic's 2008 PS3 Game of the Year; Also known as "GTA IV"] What does the American Dream mean today? For Niko Belic, fresh off the boat from Europe. It's the hope he can escape his past. For his cousin, Roman, it is the vision that together they can find fortune in Liberty City, gateway to the land of opportunity. As they slip into debt and are dragged into a criminal underworld by a series of shysters, thieves and sociopaths, they discover that the reality is very different from the dream in a city that worships money and status, and is heaven for those who have them an a living nightmare for those who don't. [Rockstar Games]

Dodatne informacije

Dodatne informacije

Naziv Grand Theft Auto GTA 4 (rabljena) PlayStation 3
Vrsta konzole Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3)
Rabljena / Nova Rabljena
PlayStation® Move Ne podpira
Zvrsti Šport, Akcija, Pustolovščina
Večigralstvo Singleplayer, Online Multiplayer, Co-op
Za starost 18+ let

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