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Igra (rabljena) Gears of War 3 za Microsoft Xbox 360 je vrhunska akcijska streljačina, nova mojstrovina in zadnja v vrsti vrhunske franšize Gears Of War, ekskluzivno za Xbox 360 . Ponovno se vživite v vlogo vojnega veterana Marcusa Fenix, vodje paravojaške skupine Delta. Od padca zadnjega civiliziranega mesta na Zemlji je minilo že 18 mesecev, vojna za preživetje človeštva pa teče dalje. S preživelimi razsuti povsod po svetu in vso civilizacijo v ruševinah, se Marcusu in njegovim soborcem čas za rešitev človeške vrste izteka... To pa še ni vse, saj globoko iz globin Zemlje grozi planetu še dodatna nevarnost. Vam bo uspelo rešiti človeštvo?
Gears of War 3 ~ video predstavitev ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
Gears of War 3 ~ angleški opis igre ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
Developed by acclaimed studio Epic Games and available only on Xbox 360, "Gears of War 3" plunges players into a harrowing tale of hope, survival, and brotherhood that will conclude the current story arc for "Gears of War." With the last human city destroyed and the remaining survivors stranded, time is running out for Marcus and his comrades as they fight to save the human race from the jaws of extinction.
Gears of War 3 ~ video predstavitev ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
Gears of War 3 ~ angleški opis igre ~ Microsoft Xbox 360
Developed by acclaimed studio Epic Games and available only on Xbox 360, "Gears of War 3" plunges players into a harrowing tale of hope, survival, and brotherhood that will conclude the current story arc for "Gears of War." With the last human city destroyed and the remaining survivors stranded, time is running out for Marcus and his comrades as they fight to save the human race from the jaws of extinction.
Dodatne informacije
Dodatne informacije
Naziv | Gears of War 3 (rabljena) Xbox 360 |
Vrsta konzole | Microsoft Xbox 360 |
Rabljena / Nova | Rabljena |
Kinect | Ne podpira |
Zvrsti | Akcija, Streljačina, Grozljivka, Sci-Fi |
Večigralstvo | Singleplayer, Split Screen, Online Multiplayer, System Link, Co-op |
Za starost | 18+ let |
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