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FIFA 15 (rabljena) PlayStation 4

Igra (rabljena) FIFA 15 za Sony PlayStation 4 (PS4) je gotovo ena najboljših športnih iger vseh časov.

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Igra (rabljena) FIFA 15 za Sony PlayStation 4 (PS4) je gotovo ena najboljših športnih iger vseh časov.

FIFA 15 (rabljena) ~ video predstavitev ~ Sony PlayStation 4 (PS4)

FIFA 15 (rabljena) ~ angleški opis igre ~ Sony PlayStation 4 (PS4)
FIFA 15 brings football to life in stunning detail so fans can experience the emotion of the sport like never before. Witness the intensity of crowds chanting and cheering like on match day, and listen to commentators guide fans through the story of the game with dynamic match presentation. For the first time ever, all 22 players on the pitch are connected with emotional intelligence – now players will react to opponents and teammates within the context, and relative to the narrative of the match. Next-generation visuals put fans on living pitches with grass that wears and tears as the match progresses. Authentic player visuals make players lean, athletic, and true to their real-life appearance. Player control heightens the responsiveness of player movement, gives athletes more control and personality on the ball, and makes man-to-man battles more rewarding than ever before. Football is the greatest drama on earth and FIFA 15 puts fans centre stage, allowing them to feel the emotion and intensity of the world's greatest sport.

Dodatne informacije

Dodatne informacije

Naziv FIFA 15 (rabljena) PlayStation 4
Vrsta konzole Sony PlayStation 4 (PS4)
Rabljena / Nova Rabljena
PlayStation® Move Ne podpira
Zvrsti Šport, Nogomet
Večigralstvo Singleplayer, Split Screen, Online Multiplayer, Co-op
Za starost 3+ let

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