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Opis artikla
Igra (rabljena) Far Cry 3 za Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3) je vrhunska vojaška pustolovščina, izredno dovršena in tehnološko do konca izpopolnjena poslastica na divjem tropskem otoku. Vživite se v vlogo skupine mladih avanturistov, katerim se je zabava med raziskovanjem eksotičnih otokov močno izkazila. Padete v past nevarnih gverilcev, ki ne izbirajo srednjih poti in ne skrivajo svojih krutih načrtov z vami. Uspe vam pobegniti, tu pa se pekel šele začne... Igra je odlična in ves čas nabita z adrenalinsko akcijo in bojem za preživetje, vse skupaj pa je zapakirano v prekrasno tropsko okolje, ki vas po eni strani kar vleče, da bi šli na morje.
Far Cry 3 (rabljena) ~ video predstavitev ~ Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3)
Far Cry 3 (rabljena) ~ angleški opis igre ~ Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3)
In Far Cry 3, players assume the role of Jason Brody, a figure alone at the edge of the world, stranded on a mysterious tropical island. In this savage paradise where anarchy and violence are the only sure thing, players dictate how the story unfolds, from the battles they elect to fight to the allies or enemies they make along the way. As Jason Brody, players slash, sneak, detonate and shoot their way across the island in a world that has lost its understanding of what's right and wrong."
Far Cry 3 (rabljena) ~ video predstavitev ~ Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3)
Far Cry 3 (rabljena) ~ angleški opis igre ~ Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3)
In Far Cry 3, players assume the role of Jason Brody, a figure alone at the edge of the world, stranded on a mysterious tropical island. In this savage paradise where anarchy and violence are the only sure thing, players dictate how the story unfolds, from the battles they elect to fight to the allies or enemies they make along the way. As Jason Brody, players slash, sneak, detonate and shoot their way across the island in a world that has lost its understanding of what's right and wrong."
Dodatne informacije
Dodatne informacije
Naziv | Far Cry 3 (rabljena) PlayStation 3 |
Vrsta konzole | Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3) |
Rabljena / Nova | Rabljena |
PlayStation® Move | Ne podpira |
Zvrsti | Akcija, Streljačina, Pustolovščina |
Večigralstvo | Singleplayer, Split Screen, Online Multiplayer, Co-op |
Za starost | 18+ let |
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